Insect Illustrations

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Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.

Untitled Illustration

from Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minstgeachte schepzelen : of Nederlandsche insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelyke huishouding, verwonderlyke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige byzonderheden, volgens eigen ondervinding beschreeven, naar 't leven naauwkeurig getekend, in't koper gebracht en gekleurd

Dieschmetterling14ecks 0337
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

Dieschmetterling14ecks 0337

Buckler W The larvæ of the British butterflies and moths PlateLX
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:æ_of_the_British_butterflies_and_moths_PlateLX.jpg

Buckler W The larvæ of the British butterflies and moths PlateLX

Buckler W The larvæ of the British butterflies and moths PlateLXI
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:æ_of_the_British_butterflies_and_moths_PlateLXI.jpg

Buckler W The larvæ of the British butterflies and moths PlateLXI

Displaying 1-4 of 4