Insect Illustrations

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Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Natural history of the animal kingdom for the use of young people : in three parts, comprising I. Mammalia : II. Birds : Part III. Reptiles, amphibia, fishes, insects, worms, molluscs, zoophytes, &c. : with 91 coloured plates, including about 850 figures, and numerous additional illustrations in the text

Dieschmetterling14ecks 0333
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

Dieschmetterling14ecks 0333

Buckler W The larvæ of the British butterflies and moths PlateLXVI
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:æ_of_the_British_butterflies_and_moths_PlateLXVI.jpg

Buckler W The larvæ of the British butterflies and moths PlateLXVI

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