Insect Illustrations

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Displaying 1-4 of 4
Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Calwers Käferbuch; einfürhrung in die kenntnis der käfer Europas

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Traité d'entomologie forestière à l'usage des forestiers, des reboiseurs et des propritaries de bois

Musée entomologique illustré (6008163863)
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:ée_entomologique_illustré_(6008163863).jpg

Musée entomologique illustré (6008163863)

The Coleoptera of the British islands (Plate 151) (8571829196)
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

The Coleoptera of the British islands (Plate 151) (8571829196)

Displaying 1-4 of 4