Insect Illustrations

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Displaying 371-380 of 717
Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Histoire physique, naturelle, et politique de Madagascar

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Entomological news, and proceedings of the Entomological Section of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Report, State Entomologist of Minnesota to the Governor

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Annales de la Société entomologique de Belgique

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Histoire physique, naturelle, et politique de Madagascar

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Encyclopédie d'histoire naturelle; ou, traité complet de cette science d'après les travaux des naturalistes les plus éminents de tous les pays et de toutes les époques: Buffon, Daubenton, Lacépède, G. Cuvier, F. Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Latreille, De Jussieu, Brongniart, etc

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Transactions of the Entomological Society of London

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Illustrations of typical specimens of Coleoptera in the collection of the British museum. Part 1. Lycidae

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Illustrations of typical specimens of Coleoptera in the collection of the British museum. Part 1. Lycidae

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Transactions of the Entomological Society of London

Displaying 371-380 of 717