from Natural history of the animal kingdom for the use of young people : in three parts, comprising I. Mammalia : II. Birds : Part III. Reptiles, amphibia, fishes, insects, worms, molluscs, zoophytes, &c. : with 91 coloured plates, including about 850 figures, and numerous additional illustrations in the text
from Natural history of the animal kingdom for the use of young people : in three parts, comprising I. Mammalia : II. Birds : Part III. Reptiles, amphibia, fishes, insects, worms, molluscs, zoophytes, &c. : with 91 coloured plates, including about 850 figures, and numerous additional illustrations in the text
from Symbolae ad monographiam generis chrysopae, Leach. Sexaginta picturarum tabulis, in lapide acu delineatis, quarum quinquaginta quatuor coloribus impressae sunt