from Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minstgeachte schepzelen : of Nederlandsche insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelyke huishouding, verwonderlyke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige byzonderheden, volgens eigen ondervinding beschreeven, naar 't leven naauwkeurig getekend, in't koper gebracht en gekleurd
from Beschouwing der wonderen Gods, in de minstgeachte schepzelen : of Nederlandsche insecten, naar hunne aanmerkelyke huishouding, verwonderlyke gedaantewisseling en andere wetenswaardige byzonderheden, volgens eigen ondervinding beschreeven, naar 't leven naauwkeurig getekend, in't koper gebracht en gekleurd
from As nature shows them : moths and butterflies of the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains : with over 400 photographic illustrations in the text and many transfers of species from life
from As nature shows them : moths and butterflies of the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains : with over 400 photographic illustrations in the text and many transfers of species from life
from As nature shows them : moths and butterflies of the United States, east of the Rocky Mountains : with over 400 photographic illustrations in the text and many transfers of species from life