Insect Illustrations

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Displaying 11-17 of 17
FMIB 47828 Hexagenia nymphs
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

FMIB 47828 Hexagenia nymphs

FMIB 47829 Hexagenia bilineata Say; adult
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:;_adult.jpeg

FMIB 47829 Hexagenia bilineata Say; adult

FMIB 47830 Chirotenetes siccus Walsh
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

FMIB 47830 Chirotenetes siccus Walsh

Isonychia sicca
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

Isonychia sicca

An illustration from British Entomology by John CurtisBaetis dispar Synonym Ecdyonurus dispar Dissimilar Mayfly
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

An illustration from British Entomology by John CurtisBaetis dispar Synonym Ecdyonurus dispar Dissimilar Mayfly

FMIB 47899 Mayflies- Ephemera viria Etn 1 Lateral view of the nymph Note the latero-dorsal breathing organs or gills on the abdominal
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

FMIB 47899 Mayflies- Ephemera viria Etn 1 Lateral view of the nymph Note the latero-dorsal breathing organs or gills on the abdominal

FMIB 41777 May-fly
Image from Wikimedia Commons. See:

FMIB 41777 May-fly

Displaying 11-17 of 17