Insect Illustrations

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Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Dictionnaire universel d'histoire naturelle : résumant et complétant tous les faits présentés par les encyclopédies, les anciens dictionnaires scientifiques, les Oeuvres complètes de Buffon, et les meilleurs traités spéciaux sur les diverses branches des sciences nautrelles ; donnant la description des etres et des divers phénomènes de la nature, l'étymologie et la définition des noms scientifiques, et les principales applications des corps organiques et inorganiques à l'agriculture, à la médecine, aux arts industriels, etc

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Harvard University Botany Libraries.

Untitled Illustration

from D. Io. Hieron. Kniphofii pathol. et prax. in Acad. Erfurt. prof. publ. ordin. facult. med. senior. et adsess. primar., Acad. Caesar. nat. curiosor adiuncti, et bibliothecarii Botanica in originali, seu, Herbarium vivum : in quo plantarum tam indigenarum quam exoticarum peculiari quadam operosaque enchiresi atramento impressorio obductarum nominibusqve suis ad methodum illustrivm nostri aevi botanicorum Linnaei et Ludwigii insignitarum elegantissima ectypa exhibentur

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology

Image from Biodiversity Heritage Library. Contributed by Smithsonian Libraries and Archives.

Untitled Illustration

from Biologia Centrali-Americana :zoology, botany and archaeology

Displaying 51-60 of 100