
Public Domain Insects

Discover a world of historical insects.

Explore 25,636 public domain insect illustrations from open online repositories.

Search through a growing collection of wonderful insect-related artworks, many from scientific works published over the last few hundred years. From the famous to the obscure, this is your premier source of public domain insects!

Why Public Domain Insects?

The Sources

This site is only possible because of the great efforts of several organizations to make public domain images available online. Thanks to them, we have been free to compile this wonderful resource without needing to receive permission, work out contracts, or purchase images. Some of the places we gathered these illustrations from are:

Biodiversity Heritage Library

A major contributor of digitized public domain natural history works, providing a treasure trove of insect illustrations.

Smithsonian Institution

Home to many scientific and artistic works, including some wonderful insect illustrations. Their Open Access API is a great resource for data about the illustrations.

Wikimedia Commons

An incredible resource for reusable images of all types. Including insects.

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